May 26, 2021
Listen in as Micole Williams, an eclectic force, teacher by profession, writer by heart, and creative director by nature shares what it looks like when she opens her heart to what God has next for her, as she fully surrenders and allows Him to close her chapters.
May 19, 2021
We all are obedient to some "thing" or some "one". Listen in as Crystal shares with us the fruits of her labor of obedience to God! It isn't easy, but it is worth it!
What or who are you obedient to?
May 12, 2021
Lets take a listen to a woman who is following God's lead & taking heed to His word, while graciously sitting in the crushing & pruning stage. She no longer asks why because she's fully surrendered to the Who!!!
May 10, 2021
Everyone is committed to something. Are you Daniel, who was committed to God? Or are you King Darius, who was committed to the "lion's den"?
May 5, 2021
Wouldn’t it be nice if trusting in God with all our heart & not leaning on our own understanding was straight forward, no matter what life threw at us? Listen is as Jazz shares her journey of learning to trust in God, thru both her trials & her triumphs.